How To Increase Internet Speed?

Experiencing slow internet can be frustrating, especially when streaming your favorite show, playing online games, or attending a video call. Fortunately, there are several steps we can take to improve our internet speed and ensure a smoother online experience.

Understand Your Internet Plan

Before we discuss tips for boosting your internet speed, it’s important to understand your internet plan. Your internet service provider (ISP) determines the maximum speed you can achieve. Perform a speed test online to check your plan’s speed limits and compare them with the speeds you are currently getting.

Restart Your Router

One of the simplest ways to enhance your internet speed is to restart your router. This can help clear out any issues that are slowing down your internet. Turn off your router, wait 30 seconds, and turn it back on. Sometimes, this is all it takes to improve your connection.

Secure Your Wi-Fi

If other people are using your Wi-Fi without your permission, it could slow down your internet speed. Ensure your Wi-Fi is secured with a strong password that’s hard to guess. This prevents others from accessing your network and using your bandwidth.

Position Your Router Properly

The location of your router can significantly affect your internet speed. Place your router in a central location in your home, away from walls and metal objects, which can block or slow down your signal. Ideally, the router should be placed in an open space and on a higher shelf to maximize coverage.

Limit Bandwidth-Hogging Apps

Some applications on your computer or device can use a lot of bandwidth even when you’re not actively using them. Streaming services, large downloads, and online games can significantly slow your speed for other tasks. Close any apps you aren’t using, or try scheduling downloads for times when you’re not using the internet heavily.

Use an Ethernet Cable

While Wi-Fi is convenient, using an Ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to your router can significantly increase your internet speed. Ethernet connections are usually more stable and faster than Wi-Fi connections. This is particularly useful when doing activities that require a lot of bandwidth, like gaming or streaming high-quality videos.

Update Your Router’s Firmware

Like any other piece of technology, routers need updates. Check if your router’s firmware is up-to-date. Manufacturers often release updates to improve performance or fix security issues. These updates are usually found on the manufacturer’s website or your router’s administration interface.

Optimize Your Web Browser

Your web browser can also affect your internet speed. Make sure it’s up to date, and consider clearing your cache if pages are loading slowly. Additionally, try using extensions blocking ads and trackers, which can use up your bandwidth and slow browsing.

Upgrade Your Equipment

If your router is old, it might not be capable of delivering the high speeds your ISP provides. Consider upgrading to a newer model that supports the latest Wi-Fi standards (like Wi-Fi 6). Newer routers often provide better range and more consistent speeds.

Reduce Interference

Other electronic devices in your home can interfere with your Wi-Fi signal. Devices like microwaves, cordless phones, and baby monitors can impact your speed. Try to keep your router away from these types of devices when possible.

Contact Your ISP

If you’ve tried all these steps and your internet is still slow, it might be time to call your ISP. There could be a problem with your connection that only they can fix. Sometimes, the issue may be with the local infrastructure or a problem on their end that they need to resolve.

Upgrade Your Plan

If your internet needs have increased, your current plan might not be sufficient anymore. Contact your ISP to discuss your needs and consider upgrading to a plan with higher speeds if necessary.


Improving your internet speed involves a mix of simple adjustments and potentially some upgrades or changes to your equipment or plan. Following these steps can enhance our online experience and make the most of our internet connection. Remember, sometimes the solution is as simple as restarting your router, but other times, it may require more investigation or investment.