What is SSID?

The term SSID stands for “Service Set Identifier.” It might sound technical, but it’s just the name you see when choosing which Wi-Fi network to connect to from your laptop, phone, or any other device. Every Wi-Fi network transmits this name so that users can easily identify it.

Understanding your SSID is important because it helps you connect to the right network, especially when many networks are available. Imagine being in an apartment building where Wi-Fis might be available; your SSID ensures you are trying to connect to your network, not your neighbor’s.

How to Find Your SSID on Any Device

Finding the SSID of your Wi-Fi network is essential for connecting to the internet. Here’s how you can easily locate your SSID on various devices:

On Windows Computers

  1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the system tray at the bottom right of your screen.
  2. Hover over the Wi-Fi network you are connected to, and a tooltip will appear displaying the SSID.

On macOS

  1. Click the Wi-Fi icon on the top right of the menu bar.
  2. Look for the network you are connected to; it will have a checkmark next to its name. This is your SSID.

On Android Devices

  1. Open the Settings app and tap “Connections” or “Network & Internet,” depending on your device.
  2. Tap Wi-Fi and view the network name with a check mark or “Connected” status next to it. That’s the SSID.

On iOS Devices

  1. Open the Settings app and tap on “Wi-Fi.”
  2. Check the name at the top of the screen under ‘Wi-Fi,’ which shows the network you are currently connected to.

On Routers

If you are setting up a network or need to find the SSID for a router:

  1. Look at the router itself. Many routers have a label or sticker that lists the default SSID and password.
  2. Log into the router’s settings page. You can usually do this by typing the router’s IP address (often something like into your web browser. From there, you can view or change the SSID.

Note: If you can’t see your network, ensure the Wi-Fi is turned on and you’re in range of the router. If the SSID is not appearing in the list of available networks, it might be hidden. To connect to a hidden network, you must manually enter the SSID in your device’s Wi-Fi settings.

Best Practices for Naming Your Wi-Fi SSID

Choosing the right SSID or the name of your Wi-Fi network is more important than you might think. It’s not just a name but a first layer of security and a way to manage your network effectively. Here are some best practices:

Creative and Secure SSID Naming Ideas

1. Keep it Simple and Memorable
You want something easy to remember but not too personal. Avoid using your name, exact address, or anything that could be directly tied back to you, especially if you live in a densely populated area.

2. Be Unique and Descriptive
A unique name helps ensure that your devices do not accidentally connect to a neighbor’s network with a similar name. You could use a combination of your favorite book and a number or anything that sparks joy but remains non-personal.

3. Use Humor or a Play on Words
Feel free to add a touch of personality to your network! Names like “It Hurts When IP” or “Tell My Wi-Fi Love Her” can be fun as long as they are appropriate and not offensive.

4. Avoid Default SSID Names
Manufacturers often set a default SSID that is very generic and used by thousands of other routers. Changing from the default name enhances security, showing potential hackers that you are taking steps to secure your network.

Security Considerations

While naming your SSID creatively can be fun, security should be your priority:

  • Do not give away personal details in your SSID name that could help hackers in identity theft.
  • Changing the SSID from the default is a good practice, as it can deter less skilled hackers who are looking for low-hanging fruit.

Remember, while anyone can see your SSID in the range of your network, the name itself doesn’t need to reveal anything about who you are or where you live. These best practices will help you create a secure and efficient network environment.

Securing Your Network

Managing your SSID involves changing its name and securing it to ensure your network is safe from unauthorized access. Here’s how we can manage these aspects effectively.

Essential Security Settings and How to Change SSID

Changing Your SSID

  1. Access Your Router Settings: You can usually access your router’s settings by typing its IP address (commonly or into a web browser.
  2. Login: You’ll need the admin username and password. If you haven’t changed it, it might still be set to the default, which you can find in the router’s manual.
  3. Find the Wireless Settings: Once logged in, navigate to settings related to Wi-Fi or wireless networks.
  4. Change the SSID: You should see a field labeled SSID or Network Name. Enter your new SSID here.
  5. Save and Restart: Save the settings and restart the router to apply the changes.

Securing Your SSID
Security is crucial, and here’s how you can tighten it:

  1. Strong Passwords: Always use a strong, unique password for your Wi-Fi network. This should be a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
  2. Encryption: Ensure your network is using WPA2 or WPA3 encryption. This option is also available in your router’s Wi-Fi settings.
  3. Disable WPS: Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is a feature that makes connecting devices to your network easier, but it can also make your Wi-Fi more vulnerable to attacks. It’s safer to turn it off.
  4. Filter MAC Addresses: Although not foolproof, you can increase security by allowing only known devices to connect to your network through MAC address filtering.

Why Changing Your SSID is Important

Changing your SSID might seem like a minor tweak, but it’s a significant step in managing your network’s visibility and accessibility:

  • Improves Security: It prevents your network from being immediately identifiable, especially if you move away from default names, which can be a beacon for hackers.
  • Reduces Confusion: In areas with many networks, a unique SSID helps ensure that users connect to the correct network without confusion.

By following these practices, you can ensure that your network is secure and efficiently managed. This helps minimize vulnerabilities while making network usage as smooth and secure as possible for everyone involved.


Why should I change my network’s SSID?
Changing your SSID from the default is crucial for several reasons:

  • Security: It helps secure your network against attackers who might use default SSIDs to attempt unauthorized access.
  • Identification: It makes it easier for you and your authorized users to identify your network among others, especially in crowded areas.

Can two networks have the same SSID?
Two networks can have the same SSID if set up that way. However, this can cause devices to attempt to connect to the wrong network, leading to connection issues. Always try to have a unique SSID for your network.

What is the best way to secure my SSID?
To secure your SSID, you should:

  • Use strong, complex passwords: Avoid common words and include a mix of characters.
  • Enable network encryption: Use WPA3 or WPA2, the most secure encryption standards available today.
  • Hide your SSID: This prevents it from being broadcast to devices, reducing the likelihood of opportunistic attacks.

How often should I change my SSID and password?
While there’s no set rule on how often you should change your SSID, regularly updating your password is advisable, especially if you suspect that your network security may have been compromised.

What should I do if my SSID is not appearing?
If your SSID isn’t showing up, ensure your router is on and broadcasting the network name. If it is hidden, you must manually enter the SSID in your device’s network settings.

Can I use any name as my SSID?
Yes, you can use almost any name as your SSID, as long as it doesn’t exceed 32 characters. However, avoid using offensive words, personal information, or very common names for ease of use and security.